Increase Productivity with Storage Bins As an artist it's important to keep the work process flowing. Putting strategies in place to stay organized is key to maximizing your studio time and to reducing wasted time and frustration. If you have to spend a lot of time organizing your supplies before starting a painting or any artwork, it’s an obstacle to productivity. If you are a beginner, or a veteran artist, you know how easy it is for your studio/work area to devolve into chaos. The chaos is fun and enhances creativity during the work process but the aftermath and clean-up, not so much!
Paints are organized by type such as all High Flow Acrylics together and by warm and cool color family together. This makes it easy to find what I'm looking for without a lot of digging.
I like to start a studio session with some kind of order and to be able to clean up and put things away quickly. Having spent many years as an art educator in schools, I got in the habit of using storage bins and drawer units of all kinds and sizes, from shoebox size to the giant 30 gallon, for almost everything. They are affordable, easy to clean, and they are easily purchased in dollar stores or other big box chains. Bins are also flexible to use since they can be moved around easily, fitting into nooks and crannies.
Collage materials are organized by type such as painted papers, printed papers, etc. These drawers are convenient because they can be pulled out and taken to wherever you are working.
My favorites are clear plastic so that I can see what’s inside. I tend to forget what’s in my stash if I can’t see it. I also use a label maker. Snap top lids are great too particularly to keep out pets and dust and to make stacking easier thereby increasing your vertical storage. I try to keep a consistent look to the bins as well, such as all lids the same color or mostly from the same brand. This cuts down on the visual clutter which can be overwhelming in a studio crammed with supplies. And if you move, everything is organized and ready to go!